
"Think and Grow Rich". Napolean Hill

"The Master Plan to Success" by Napolean Hill.

World-famous philosophy of personal achievement. This wonderful book that has transformed lives of countless people(including mine) can be bought at http://www.masteryourfinance.com/web/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=2&Itemid=35

Excerpts from the book:

“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” Napolean Hill.

Develop a Definite purpose. ---

“Emphasize, through every means at your command, the vast difference between a mere wish and a burning desire that assumed the proportions of an obsession. Everyone wishes for the better things of life, such as money, a good position, fame, and recognition; but most people never go far beyond the “wishing ” stage. Men who know exactly what they want of life, and are determined to get it, do not stop with wishing. They intensify their wishes into a burning desire, and back that desire with continuous effort based on a sound plan.”

How to develop a definite purpose---write down a complete description of one’s major purpose and then adopt the habit of reading it aloud at least once every day. The act of writing down one’s major purpose forces one to be specific as to its nature. The act of habitual reading fixes the nature of the purpose in the mind, where it can be picked up by the subconscious mind and acted upon.

Have a positive mental attitude

Mental attitude is the quality of mind which gives power to one’s thoughts and plan. Keep your mind free from fear and doubt and self-imposed limitations (negative thoughts).

Do not say it is impossible, it cannot be done! Ask "How can it be done"

Do not ask "Why", ask "How" and take action.....Jason Tan

Never expect to get something for nothing— be prepared to pay a fair price for the wealth you desire.

Riches and material things that men get are the effect of some form of useful services they have rendered.

Andrew Carnegie

[Secret of increasing Wealth:

“Your wealth= value-add you provided x number of people you served.” Dennis Ng.
Just increase value-add multiplied by increase in the number of people you served will inevitably increase your wealth.

Mindset of The Rich versus The Poor.

Decision Making skills—ask yourself 2 questions:

1. Is upside double of downside (if yes, go ahead)---e.g risk losing $1000 if wrong, earn $2000 if I am right. Conversely, risk losing $2000 to potentially earn $1000 is not worth the risk.

2. If I am wrong, will I be ok?---do not take a risk you cannot afford to lose.]

Dennis Ng.

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